Ways to Keep Your Cat Happy with a Busy Schedule

Ways to Keep Your Cat Happy with a Busy Schedule

In today’s bustling world, we’re all caught up in aspects of our daily lives, whether it’s work, relationships, friends, family, or other priorities. Sometimes this can cause us to forget about other important parts of our lives, such our pets. While dogs need regular walks and constant care, neglecting our cats can be easier because they’re such independent creatures. If you find yourself in this situation, you should know these ways to keep your cat happy with a busy schedule. Your cat be happier, and you’ll be satisfied knowing they’re taken care of.

Leave Open Boxes

If you’ve ever left out your laundry basket or opened a fresh package, you probably know cats love open boxes. They love to jump in and out, play hide-and-seek, or use it as a safe space. Not to mention, they can happily chew on it and scratch at it. Although cleaning up the remnants might be a nuisance, your cat will have fun.

Put Out Scratching Posts

Cat owners know just how infuriating ruined furniture can be. Fortunately, scratching posts are a great solution. Give kitty her own furniture to play on in order to protect yours. You can also opt for a cat tree, which features scratching posts, jungle gyms, hiding holes, and toys. Whichever option you choose, it will keep your cat busy while you’re away.

Buy Cat Toys

Cat toys are essential for entertaining your furry friend, and exercise is important for them to be healthy and active. Therefore, be sure to keep fun, interactive toys around the house. Catnip balls, strings, and laser pointers are all great options. A lot of these toys center on playing catch or simulating a hunting experience that your cat would experience in the wild. Take advantage of the time you’re together and play with them.

Get Another Cat

Assuming you have the room and ability to care for another animal, get your cat a buddy—preferably another cat. This will allow your cat to play and wrestle with a companion. Despite having a reputation for being independent creatures, cats are actually quite social. They do come to you for comfort, after all. Keep this in mind when you’re choosing another playmate. Still, it’s important to remember that cats have their own personalities, too. As much as you’d like your cats to get along, it’s okay if they don’t.

Get a Puzzle Feeder

This unique device is gaining popularity, offering various puzzles for your cat to solve in order to earn treats. You can easily feed your cat treats, but these brain teasers will improve their cognitive skills and motor functioning. The nice thing about these puzzles is that you can adjust the difficulty. For instance, make the puzzles harder if your cat is obtaining the treats too easily. On the other hand, you can make your puzzles easier if your cat is struggling to solve them.

If you find you’re away from your cat for a long time, hire someone to watch and play with them. At Everything and the Dog, we offer premium pet-sitting in Leesburg, Virginia. Check out our services to ensure your furry friend is always cared for.

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